The Callrecorder PRI models are Vidicode’s top models for recording ISDN Primary rate (30 channels, also known as E1). The PRI is developed on the basis of Vidicode’s proven techniques, making it the easiest to install flexible E1 recorder.
Depending on the requirements of the organization, you decide whether you need 16 or 30 channels and whether or not there is a double capacity hard drive needed. The Call Recorder comes standard with the Araña web interface (single user version) to make the configuration simple and clear. With the software it is also possible to make a complete network backup of all calls on the recorder, you can play the conversations, e-mail and manage the conversation archives.
The Callrecorder PRI can be installed in Vidicode’s “Pass Through Mode”. The Pass Through Mode leaves the functionality of the PBX untouched, but adds extra possibilities such as; take a call, then play a notification message and then connect to the PBX. There are various settings for selective recording, such as via commands on the telephone keys (** star commands) or based on internal or external number recognition (Caller ID). The PRI can suppress internal telephone numbers in outgoing calls (CLIP Filtering).
The Call Recorder in Pass Through mode can store more than just calls. For example, a Notification message can be given in a conversation, one can record on demand by using DTMF codes (calling functions with different key combinations on the telephone). The third trick is the number filter. The numbers that the PBX gives can be filtered out. The Call Recorders make almost no intrusion on the line, only minor changes are made in the data stream when necessary.
Secondary PRI
A Secondary PRI does exactly the same as a Primary, but only works if a Primary is connected to the network.
If your organization would expand the telephone traffic, then a Secondary is a practical solution. The hardware of the Secondary PRI is set to be recognized by the Primary. This recognition is passed on to the Call Recorder Access Software. The software treats the telephone traffic as if the Primary and Secondary were one Call Recorder.
When the Call Recorder Access software encounters a Secondary PRI in the network but can not find a Primary PRI, a dialog appears with the question “Please contact your dealer.”
Connection diagram
The Call Recorder PRI is connected in series with the E1 ISDN line, between the line port and other devices.